In this latest installment of Interviews With Seduction Masters, we talk to Mark Belmont, who recently launched a program which teaches men how to improve their physical appearances dramatically.
What attracted me to Belmont’s work is that the topic of physical appearance is one of the most neglected in the seduction knowledge base.
Derek Rake: Mark, the topic of physical attractiveness is not really well discussed by many dating gurus. Why do you think this is the case?
Hey Derek, good talking to you again. There’s a good reason why physical traits are not talked that often. Many dating gurus say that you can attract anyone even though you are as ugly as Jabba The Hut.
Derek Rake: Haha!
As you know, Derek, that’s not true at all.
Derek Rake: Of course.
You got to be at least somehow pleasant to look at to even start to attract women. And of course, if you are good looking, you’ll find it much easier to get women, or anyone for that matter, to like you.
Derek Rake: You don’t have to look like Brad Pitt or Danny LC Tan, but if you’re a decent looker then you’ll find it much easier to get women to like you.
Definitely, Derek. Looks are definitely important! It makes you look less wimpy!
Derek Rake: I teach my students that women place far less importance on a guy’s looks than other factors such as security, emotional attachment and social standing.
I agree with you 100%! But still, looks is something that factors into their decision. They buy the whole package, so to speak, and if you do not work on your physical appearance, you will not be doing yourself any favors. You can’t even have good body language if you don’t look at least decent.
Derek Rake: Here’s something to think about. If you’re physically attractive AND you’ve mastered approaching, flirting and escalation techniques… then you’ll truly be unstoppable.
I’d say that most people drastically underestimate the importance of looking great.
Derek Rake: Oh yeah. Anyway, how much can a guy do to actually improve the way he looks?
There are tons of things men can do to enhance their appearance. Most guys haven’t even thought about it!
There’s a few things that you CAN’T control – at least not without spending a fortune on plastic surgery or other sketchy things like that. But my program doesn’t take you down that road. Instead, I focus on the many things you CAN do to improve your looks.
And trust me, there’s a lot of things you can do. My own personal appearance transformation required that I look after a huge number of things: everything from skin care and hygiene down to hairstyle and fashion.
If you flip open a men’s fitness magazine, you’ll notice that the models all have different facial features, different body types… but they also share a lot of similarities.
You’ll probably notice they’ve all got perfect skin, great hair, excellent fashion sense, athletic physiques….
Derek Rake: …and these things are well within your control.
Derek Rake: And so I presume that your program takes care of all these things?
In designing my program, I wanted to take all the guesswork out of the equation. I figure guys want simple, easy-to-follow instructions on how to enhance the way they look.
So my program is essentially a step-by-step guide to taking care of all these things. In plain English, I’ve outlined pretty much everything you can possibly to do improve your look without surgery, pills, or other gimmicks. It will be a real confidence boost!
Derek Rake: Sounds good. Give us a brief run-through of your program.
Well, Derek, I thought you’d never ask…
The program has a couple of different components, including a 240-page ebook… so if I were to write out all of the things it covers, it would take me ages! But to whet your appetite, here are a few examples of the sorts of things I cover:
- How to buy high-end clothes without spending a fortune.
- How you can get perfectly straight teeth without braces.
- What women really think about chest and back hair – and how to make yourself look like a fitness model.
- Ways to safely and quickly remove moles and birth marks.
- The one thing you simply must take into account when choosing a hair style.
- How to wear clothing that hides any flaws in your body.
There’s also other stuff that I can’t tell you right now – I’d reserve some stuff only for the eyes of my customers!
Derek Rake: Dude, come on.
OK, I’ll let you in on something. There’s a list of five things a guy absolutely must check before he leaves the house. If he does this, I’d wager that his success will skyrocket by at least 500%. Failing to do so, he will probably be heading for the worst night of his life.
Derek Rake: Interesting stuff.
I’ve got people calling in and thanking me for the list. It’s pretty satisfying to know that I’m helping guys around the world get laid!
Derek Rake: Being good looking will also help a guy in other areas of his life I presume. So there’s more benefits to this than just getting laid.
Oh yeah. A lot of people find this hard to believe, but countless scientific studies have shown that beautiful people are more successful and happier than their unattractive counterparts in all areas of life.
On average, good-looking people have healthier relationships, more friends, better careers, higher incomes, and longer life expectancy. Also, believe it or not… from my research, good looking guys often have submissive girlfriends or wives.
So enhancing your appearance is about way more than just picking up chicks, it’s also about permanently improving your life.
Derek Rake: I read somewhere that this stuff has been scientifically proven. So it’s hardly empirical anymore.
There are teams of scientists who have studied this kind of stuff. I’ve read all their articles and scholarly reports. It’s pretty boring shit but it’s all very concrete.
Unattractive people are disadvantaged at every turn. All human beings have a genetic predisposition to avoid less attractive people. It’s a type of prejudice, and it even has a name: “Lookism”.
Derek Rake: I reckon that this prejudice also applies when you’re picking up women. If you’re an ugly dude, then women will have subconsciously written you off as a possibility before you even open your mouth.
Hell yeah. It’s unfortunate, but it’s so true. So here’s the bottom line… how to make a woman want you? The answer’s simple… be handsome!
Brandon says
This is a hard slap on the face for the whole “body positivity” movement. Tough pill to swallow for men, for the most part. The fact that men are even paying attention to overweight, average women is just baffling to me. Simp energy is through the roof. Sad!