How To Start A Conversation With A Girl – Face-To-Face, Text And Online
Want to learn how to start a conversation with a girl you like?
If so, then your goal should be simple. You want your first conversation with her to be a slippery slope towards romance.
Any less than that, and you’re wasting your time and energy.
Make no mistake: How you start your first conversation with her will make or break your future with her. After all, first impressions last, and you can only make it once.
If your first impression isn’t good enough, she’ll slot you into her “friend zone” at best, or tell you to go away at worst. In case you don’t know it yet: Once a woman sees you in a non-romantic context, it’s next-to-impossible to change her mind.
So yes, you only have one shot. In this Shogun Method guide, you’ll learn how most guys MISS their shots on purpose…
…and what you should do, instead, to make a girl like you right on the first conversation.
Table of Contents
What Doesn’t Work: Pickup Lines
Here’s how most guys mess up their one shot at making a girl like them:
They use pickup lines.
These guys have the right idea. They know a normal, everyday conversation with her would lead nowhere.
So they turn to pickup lines, thinking it’s the only way to go. And they go fuck things up right from the start.
Why Pickup Lines Don’t Work
Here’s the problem: Pickup lines don’t work because they PUSH into a woman’s life.
Imagine someone trying to shoehorn themselves into your life:
- A pushy salesman who won’t leave you alone
- Friends who pressure you into doing things you don’t like
- A disgusting woman who’s trying to win your heart
How would you feel?
Violated? Disgusted? Under distress?
Guess what – that’s how women feel when you use cheesy, pre-rehearsed pickup routines on them.
Naturally, they’re going to resist you.
Naturally, they’ll side-eye you and wonder, “What does he want from me?”
Naturally, your relationship starts off on the wrong foot.
Don’t make that mistake!
You’ll need something different:
- Something that makes her come closer to you instead of peel away from you
- Something that makes her think: “What’s he like?” instead of “What does he want?”
- Something that makes her want to have a real, revealing conversation with you
You’re about to learn what that “something” is.
Introducing Intrigue Pings
An Intrigue Ping is a Shogun Method technique that’s meant to do one thing:
To generate INTRIGUE right on the first interaction with a girl.
Intrigue Pings trigger intrigue and curiosity in a woman’s mind. They give her the irresistible urge to know you better.
As a result, the conversation flows more easily. The slope to romance becomes more slippery.
Each Intrigue Ping has three parts:
- Your opening remark, meant to catch her attention
- Her response, which indicates you have her attention
- Your statement or question, tailored to the current situation
For example: Let’s say you want to approach a cute girl at a bookshop…
YOU: (Opening remark) “Excuse me, but…”
HER: (Response) “Yes?”
YOU: (Situational comment) “…I have a feeling you’ll like this book.”
Or let’s say you want to chat with the pretty girl waiting in line with you at a cafe…
YOU: (Opening remark) “Hey, sorry to bother you, but…”
HER: (Response) “What is it?”
YOU: (Situational comment) “It’s my first time trying this place, what do you recommend?”
It doesn’t matter what your comment or question is at the end. It can be simple, silly, or even nonsensical.
The closest thing to a non-negotiable element would be this: It needs to be SITUATIONAL.
Are you in a bookstore? A cafe? At a bus stop? At a party? The more relevant your comment is, the more intriguing your Intrigue Ping becomes.
How To Start A Conversation With A Girl Online
Now, a common question: Can Intrigue Pings be used online?
The answer is “yes,” although you’ll need to make some adjustments. The biggest adjustment revolves around the fact that online, there’s no “situation” to riff off of.
So you adjust a bit and make “you chatting with her” as the situation.
No matter on which online platform you use Intrigue Pings, the goal is to arrange a meet-up with her.
Don’t chat too long, and don’t try to be online-only friends.
Remember the goal: Romance.
How To Start A Conversation With A Girl On Whatsapp
Texting services like Whatsapp and Viber are easy. Simply use Intrigue Pings in their usual structure (opening, response, statement).
YOU: (Opening remark) “Hey, I was just wondering.”
HER: (Response) “What?”
YOU: (Situational comment) “When are you going to text me?”
How To Start A Conversation With A Girl On Facebook
On Facebook, where she can post status updates, you have more options for the “situation” to use.
YOU: (Opening remark) “Hey, I have a question.”
HER: (Response) “Yeah?”
YOU: (Situational comment) “I saw your latest status. What’s up with that?”
How To Start A Conversation With A Girl On Instagram
Using Intrigue Pings on Instagram follows the same approach as on Facebook. Use her latest photos and videos as alternative “situations.”
YOU: (Opening remark) “Hey, I have something to tell you.”
HER: (Response) “Really? What?”
YOU: (Situational comment) “Your latest video was crazy. How’d you get in that situation?”
How To Start A Conversation With A Girl On Snapchat
On Snapchat, you may need to get the ball rolling with a curiosity-piquing Snap first. Then you ease into the Intrigue Ping.
YOU: (Opening Snap) “Guess what. I just saw something that reminded me of you.”
HER: (Response) “What was it?”
YOU: (Situational Snap) “This. It’s so you, don’t you think?”
Intrigue Pings And More
Intrigue Pings are great for starting conversations. But they won’t be all you need to get things romantic.
You’ll also need to:
- Ride her initial Intrigue and start building Rapport with her. (In Shogun Method, this is called “I-R Bridging”)
- Steer the conversation onto more romantic grounds (such as with Implanted Commands)
- Make her fall in love with you with techniques such as Fractionation
Intrigue Pings, I-R Bridges, Implanted Commands, Fractionation, etc…
…all these techniques involve one root skill.
Mind Control.
It’s the manipulation of a woman’s mind, enticing her to make decisions that move you ever closer to romance.
In Shogun Method, you’ll master how to think, speak, and act in a way that triggers all the right feelings in a woman…
…starting with the very first conversation you have with her.
If that’s something you’d like to master instead of some lame pickup line…
…then you’re welcome to join my Online Masterclass on Mind Control.
Sign up below:
Request Full Access To Online Masterclass
(NOTE: Use your best e-mail address when signing up. That’s where I’ll send your Invite Ticket as soon as you qualify for the Masterclass.)
So remember: First impressions last.
If you want a girl to fall in love with you, then you must make your first conversation count.
The way you do that is to make sure your first conversation makes her feel INTRIGUED and not repulsed. CURIOUS and not defensive. EXCITED and not fearful.
Intrigue Pings does that in the beginning. Mind Control takes care of the rest.
Want to make your first impression count?
Then you know what to do. Here’s the link to my Masterclass again.
Now go make your move,
P.S: Have you ever accidentally made a woman fall in love with you at the first conversation? How did it go? Tell me your story in the comments section below.
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