How To Show A Woman You Love Her More Than Anything
Want to learn how to prove you love her?
You might be married right now, or at least in a relationship with your girlfriend… but for some reason, she seems to be losing attraction for you.
What’s worse, she might be voicing out her problems with the relationship more often now. And you’re picking up the hint – she’s unhappy or unsure about the relationship, and she wants you to put her fears to rest.
So here you are, feeling like you need to prove your love more. That way, she’ll feel better, she’ll appreciate your efforts, and she’ll love you more.
If that’s how you feel about your relationship right now, then I have some bad news for you.
In this Shogun Method guide, I’ll show you why trying to prove your love to your woman is a HUGE MISTAKE…
…and what you should do, instead, if you want her to start loving and appreciating you more.
Table of Contents
How To Show Her You Care: The WRONG Way
So why is it a mistake to show her how much you love her?
Because it removes all mystery and intrigue from your relationship.
Mystery and intrigue are key components of attraction… and attraction is the lifeblood of ANY relationship.
A woman would never leave you or stop loving you if she’s attracted to you enough. But if you do anything to lower her attraction – such as proving your love – will actually make her love you LESS.
Now, you might be thinking: “But Derek, she’s ALREADY in a relationship with me! She ALREADY knows I love her! What’s wrong with proclaiming and proving my love for her?”
Here’s what’s wrong…
Introducing Shogun Method Precondition #2
Shogun Method maintains that success with women requires following three conditions without fail.
They’re called the Three Preconditions. And anytime you proclaim or show your love to a woman BEFORE you’ve achieved your desired outcome with her… you violate Precondition #2.
Shogun Method Precondition #2 states:
“You must conceal your intentions until the manipulation is complete.”
You should NEVER reveal your intentions, whatever they are, until you get the outcome you want.
Your intention might be:
- To seduce a woman
- To make her your girlfriend
- To make her leave your boyfriend for you
- Or in your case, to make her love you more and feel more at ease in your relationship
- Etc.
And whenever you profess your love… whether it’s to your girlfriend, wife, or any other woman… you’re revealing your intentions.
You’re violating Precondition #2… and you’re putting your relationship in grave danger.
The #1 Reason She’s Getting Less Attracted
Try to think about your woman and how attracted she was to you at the beginning of your relationship.
Now think about how attracted she is to you RIGHT NOW.
Was there a drop-off? Is she LESS attracted to you now than she was when you first started dating?
If so, then that’s a bad sign – a sign that you’re too needy.
And neediness is the #1 attraction killer for women. Not bad manners, or bad looks, or having no money… NEEDINESS.
It’s the reason why women can love bad boys, ugly men, and deadbeat husbands… but they CAN’T love an honest and needy guy except when no one else loves them but him.
What if She’s Challenging You?
Now, you might also be thinking: “But Derek, she’s CHALLENGING me. She’s saying things like… ‘If you really loved me, you’d do this,’ and ‘What have you done for me recently?‘ Shouldn’t I answer her challenge by proving my love for her?”
The answer is still “no.” Even when she challenges you to prove your love for her, doing so demonstrates neediness. You’re showing her you NEED her because you’re bending to her will just so she won’t leave you.
But sure, let’s talk about your woman and why she’d challenge you to begin with…
Why Would She Challenge You In The First Place?
Why would your woman challenge you to prove your love to her… when she’s only going to feel LESS attracted to you if you did?
The answer: Validation.
Women are hard-wired to NEED validation from strong, dominant men. It’s a survival mechanism hammered home by thousands of years of evolution. The more a woman feels desired, the more chances she’ll marry a strong man, and the better her chances of survival.
But here’s the problem: This biological need tends to put women in a sort of “romantic limbo.”
- She needs validation, so she challenges strong and dominant men to show their desire
- When a strong man shows his desire (such as by confessing his love for her), she feels validated.
- But at the same time, she sees him as being of a lower status than she is. By revealing his desire, the guy demonstrates that he’s the pursuer, and she’s the prize.
- As a result, she feels LESS attraction for him… because women cannot feel attracted to weaker, lower-status men
- Since she got validated by a weaker, lower-status man, she actually DOESN’T feel all that desired. And so she continues seeking validation from other men
- She starts over from Step #1
I hope you’re getting the picture by now.
Confessing your feelings… showing your desire… proving your love…
…all of it is a recipe for DISASTER.
If you keep doing it, she WILL leave you in the future… either when she gets too disgusted by your weakness and neediness… or when she finds a stronger, more dominant man to replace you with.
Now what’s more important to you?
Proving your love? Or making your relationship work?
If it’s the latter for you, then keep reading. You’re about to learn how.
How To Show A Woman You Love Her Without Telling Her
The only way to show a woman you love her is by NOT showing or telling her.
Or as Precondition #2 states… you don’t show her your love BEFORE you’ve achieved your desired outcome.
And that outcome should be to make her love you so much that she’d be crazy to leave you.
ONLY when she’s in that state of mind – completely happy, satisfied, and in love with you – should you show your love. But never before.
How exactly do you pull that off?
By STOPPING your validation of her… and instead, making her DOUBT that you love her.
It may sound weird, but that’s actually the ONLY WAY you can make your relationship work again.
You’ll see why in the following example.
Introducing Dread Game
“Dread Game” is the name of the Shogun Method technique you’re about to learn.
“Dread Game” is all about instilling “dread” in your woman. Dread is that nagging feeling that she can lose you at any time, and so she should work double-time to keep you.
Right now, your woman feels zero dread. Instead, it’s YOU who’s feeling some dread. You feel you gotta do something to keep your woman from leaving you.
Time to turn the tables. Dread Game will do just that.
Let’s say your wife gives you an unreasonable challenge: “If you really loved me, you’d buy my mom a house,” she says.
Instead of selling your car and getting a second job to buy the house… you do NOT answer her challenge in any way she expects.
And instead, you SHOCK her by doing something totally unexpected:
- You can disappear for a day without a word, and tell her upon your return you “just needed some alone time”
- You can disappear for several days, ignoring her angry calls and texts, and only coming home when she begs you to
- You can tell her: “I think we should start seeing other people,” and offer no further explanation
What you’re doing is purposefully putting her on an emotional rollercoaster. You’re snapping her out of her “romantic limbo” and forcing her to pay close attention to YOU.
The more she thinks about you, the more attracted she feels to you.
Emotional rollercoasters drive her crazy, but it does the trick. Once she feels enough dread to beg you to stay (or at least beg for a compromise, where you lay out terms on your favor)…
…THEN it’s safe to validate her by showering her with love. That’s because you’ve already achieved your desired outcome. You’ve satisfied Precondition #2. You’ve kept your intentions secret until after the manipulation was complete.
THAT’S how you show love without saying anything.
Show, Don’t Tell
Dread Game is just one of the many Mind Control techniques you’ll learn in Shogun Method. All of the techniques are meant to do one thing:
To help you achieve your desired outcomes with women, no matter what those outcomes may be.
If your woman is challenging you (or is otherwise dominating you), here’s my suggestion:
Master Mind Control.
And if you want to, you can take the first step today by joining my Online Masterclass on Mind Control.
You can check out the Masterclass and sign up by clicking the link below:
Request Invite Ticket To Online Masterclass
(NOTE: Use your best e-mail address when signing up. It’s where I’ll send your Invite Ticket as soon as you qualify for the Masterclass.)
Now go ahead – prove your love to her without saying a thing.
P.S: What’s the craziest demand any woman has ever made of you? Tell me your story below.
Asking a women if she has a boyfriend is a violation of precondition 2, right?
Yes, in a way.