How To Make Up With Your Girlfriend After You Hurt Her
Did you just do something seriously wrong in your relationship… and now your girlfriend is extremely angry at you?
Has your relationship turned to hell after she found out what you just did?
Do you now want to know how to make it up to her?
If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above… then you have the exact same problem as Drew, one of my Shogun Method clients.
His girlfriend, Elizabeth, had caught him cheating on her, and she was beyond angry at him.
“It was just a one-night thing,” Drew confessed to me. “I thought it was harmless – after all, Elizabeth and I aren’t married. But since then, she’s stopped having sex with me, she’s stopped cooking for me, and so on… I guess I’m lucky she hasn’t kicked me out of the house yet.”
“So do you want things to go back to the way things were before you cheated?” I asked.
“Yeah, I do,” Drew. “I’ve apologized to her a million times, but she still hates my guts. How do I make it up to her, Derek? I really love Elizabeth.”
If you, too, have done something your girlfriend thinks is TERRIBLE, and now you want to make it up to her… then this Shogun Method guide is for you.
This Guide will show you how to get your relationship back to the way it was… even when your girlfriend things you’ve done the absolute WORST thing in the world to her.
Table of Contents
How To Make It Up To Your Girlfriend After You Hurt Her
First of all, trying to do the right thing after you’ve fucked up is ALWAYS honorable.
It means you give a shit about your relationship. You’re not an asshole who only does what he wants at the expense of others, so kudos to you.
Secondly, I’ll drop the bomb here and now: “Making it up to your girlfriend” is NOT the “right thing to do.”
That’s right. It’s NOT.
It IS the right thing to do in everyday dealings, such as business.
But in a relationship, the rules change. In a relationship, “making it up to her” is NOT the right thing to do.
And by the time you read to the end of this Guide, you’ll agree 100%.
How Men And Women See Apologies
Here’s a lesson on apologies: Men and women see apologies differently.
For men like us, we see apologizing as “restoring the balance.” When you hurt another person in any way, you instantly become more powerful than them.
But when you apologize, you “restore the balance” in power. By apologizing, you surrender some of your power to the person you hurt.
For men like us, apologizing is a vehicle of JUSTICE.
On the other hand, women see apologizing very differently.
For women, it’s NOT about justice. Instead, it’s about VALIDATION OF HER FEELINGS.
When a woman feels hurt or upset because of something you said or did, she immediately thinks:
“I feel bad, therefore what he did MUST have been bad.”
And when you apologize, she thinks:
“I was right – what he did WAS bad!”
She thinks this way every time she feels distressed, even when you’ve done nothing wrong. She’ll think: “I feel bad, therefore he must have done something wrong.”
This thought process has been so firmly established that Psychology has a proper term for it:
And it seems only women have solipsism. It explains the vast difference in the way men and women see apologies.
When I taught this to Drew, he shrugged and said: “Well, I DID hurt her, and it WAS my fault. Doesn’t that mean she DESERVES an apology?”
Here’s why I said “no…”
Why It’s A Mistake To “Make It Up” To Her
One more time: Apologizing is a way to “restore balance.” And balance is good to have in areas such as business.
But it’s NOT good to have in a relationship.
Here’s why: Good relationships are NOT about balance.
Good relationships are about ATTRACTION.
In stable relationships, the “follower” is more attracted to the “leader.” Never the other way around.
And in the strongest, happiest, most resilient relationships… the “leader” is always the man.
Here’s why you shouldn’t apologize, even after you fuck up royally:
When you apologize to your woman, you give up your leadership.
You give up your leadership for the sake of “balance.” And while that may sound good on paper, it’s actually HORRIBLE in practice.
When your woman feels she’s your “equal” or your “leader,” bad things start to happen:
- She starts undermining your authority
- She starts holding you hostage (such as by withholding sex until you do her a favor)
- She starts disrespecting you, even in public
The more you apologize (or otherwise pursue balance or equality) in your relationship… the more bad behavior you’ll get from her.
That’s why Drew wasn’t getting anywhere with Elizabeth. The more he apologized, the more bad behavior he got in return.
In short: Apologizing makes your relationship unsustainable in the long term.
So don’t make that mistake. Here’s what you should do instead.
Women Are Attracted To Men Who Break The Rules
One more time: Relationships aren’t about balance. They’re about ATTRACTION.
If your woman is attracted enough to you, she’ll forgive ANYTHING – even infidelity.
Why is that?
Because deep inside, women actually WANT a sense of danger in their men. They’re innately attracted to men strong enough to “make their own rules.”
And yes, that includes cheating, lying, and other manipulative behavior.
It’s one of the reasons why women are so attracted to “bad boy” types of men. You’ve probably met women who stuck with their philandering boyfriends and husbands.
For these women, their thought process goes: “He has options in his life, but he still chose me.” And that’s enough to make them stay.
Of course, women will never say this out loud – they have reputations to protect.
And yet, the proof is in the results. You can see how women do NOT treat “nice guy” types of men the same way.
In fact, you’ll often see women LEAVING their “nice guy” men… often for stronger, manlier “bad boy” types.
How To Make Your Girlfriend Happy
So here’s my advice: Instead of “making it up to her,” try “making things WORSE.”
In the long run, it’ll make your girlfriend love you more… just as it did for Drew and Elizabeth.
How Drew Won Elizabeth Back
At my advice, Drew put Elizabeth on an emotional rollercoaster.
First, Drew took Elizabeth to an unexpected date at her favorite restaurant.
Throughout the date, Drew didn’t mention the cheating incident. Instead, he focused on giving Elizabeth a good time – and that’s what she had.
After that date, Elizabeth was happy. It seemed like all was forgiven.
But then, Drew countered that emotional high with an emotional low. He disappeared for days.
For those several days, he didn’t answer any of Elizabeth’s angry calls and texts.
Finally, after a few days, Elizabeth calmed down enough to send a text message begging Drew to come home and talk.
Drew did come home, which gave Elizabeth a huge dose of relief.
Then Drew gave her another emotional low by saying: “I think we should start seeing other people.”
Drew offered no explanation, despite the questions and accusations that Elizabeth spewed. He stood firm: Maybe they should see other people. That’s it.
Eventually, Elizabeth calmed down again and begged him for a compromise.
That was the sign Drew was waiting for. He was once again the “leader” of the relationship. And he pounced on the opportunity.
Drew laid out his new terms for their relationship:
- She should respect his privacy
- She should respect his authority
- She should follow his direction
- And several other agreements solidifying his role as the leader
To Drew’s surprise, Elizabeth readily agreed.
Today, Drew and Elizabeth are still together – happier and stronger than ever.
And it’s all because Drew stopped trying to “make things right”… and instead reinforced his position of leadership.
Twist The Knife
The emotional rollercoaster technique that Drew used on Elizabeth has a proper term:
It’s a technique that makes a woman “fractionate.” That is, to snap out of her solipsism, feel powerless, and feel the powerful urge to follow a strong man’s leadership.
You, too, can save your relationship… even after you’ve fucked up.
But you WILL need Fractionation. It’s the only way.
Luckily for you, you can learn Fractionation today. All you need to do is sign up for my Online Masterclass on Mind Control.
You can check out the Masterclass below:
Request Invite Ticket to Online Masterclass
(NOTE: Use your best e-mail address when signing up. It’s where I’ll send your Invite Ticket as soon as you qualify for the Masterclass.)
Go ahead – “make things right.” But do it the RIGHT way.
Master Fractionation today. Here’s the link to my Masterclass again.
Good luck,
P.S: What was the absolute worst thing your woman caught you doing? How did you recover (or not recover) from it? Tell me about it in the comments section below.
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