How To Keep A Relationship Strong And Happy
Are you in a dysfunctional relationship with your girlfriend or wife?
Is your relationship driving you CRAZY?
And do you desperately want a healthy relationship for a change?
So did Neil, a Shogun Method client of mine from Idaho. He had told me his marriage with his wife Donna was going “down the toilet,” despite his best efforts to make it better.
“Even counseling isn’t helping,” Neil lamented. “I’m getting the feeling that she actually WANTS the divorce to happen, like her life’s gonna be better after it.”
“Will it?” I asked him.
“I dunno… maybe?” Neil answered. “I really love her, and I’m sure she loves me too… but there’s just so much friction and pain for both of us in the marriage. What the hell should I do?”
That was my cue. I told Neil what I’ve told so many other men before him… all of whom were similarly trapped in unhealthy relationships.
If you, too, are in an unhealthy relationship right now, then pay attention to what you’re about to learn in this guide.
Table of Contents
What Is A “Healthy” Relationship?
Let’s do a quick exercise. Think about your relationship right now. Then see how many of the following traits apply to your relationship:
- Your woman respects your authority
You have a mission in life that’s greater than just making her happy or making the relationship work - She supports that mission in life
- She’s financially secure in the relationship
- She’s emotionally secure with you
- She derives meaning and happiness from you
- She’s completely happy to do whatever you ask
- The relationship is exciting – you’re always discovering something new
- She trusts you completely
- You’re both growing, both as individuals and as a couple
So how well did you score?
Here’s the bad news: If your relationship scored any less than 8 out of 10, then it’s only a matter of time before it dies.
Yep, the problem is THAT serious.
The Myth Of Healthy Relationships
There’s really only one sign of a healthy relationship:
It’s when she’s completely in love with you and does NOT want to leave you.
Anything less than that, and you’ll need to fix your relationship FAST.
But how do good relationships go bad?
I always tell my clients the same thing:
A relationship failure is always a leadership failure.
And by extension, it’s YOUR failure, because leading the relationship is YOUR job. And that’s where so many men go wrong.
Instead of being the leader the relationship needs them to be, men make serious mistakes:
- Letting themselves get emasculated by their woman
- Putting her needs above their own
- Giving her 100% free access to their money and other assets
- Buying into the “happy wife, happy life” bullshit
In Neil’s case, he made all four of the mistakes above, and more. He had surrendered his leadership to Donna, and she hated it. She hated the idea of being married to such a weak man.
Read this carefully: Your woman doesn’t want to be your “leader.”
She doesn’t even want to be your “equal,” even if she says so.
What She Really Wants From You
Conventional advice would tell you “what she really wants” include the following:
- Confidence
- Leadership
- Attractiveness
- Attentiveness
- Security
On one hand, these are NOT wrong.
On the other hand, we’ve all seen how men with these good qualities STILL end up in unhealthy relationships.
But why?
They were missing the most critical element of all:
That Sense Of Dread
Do you ever feel scared your woman would leave you?
Most inexperienced men do. They fear the changes they’ll have to go through once their woman ends the relationship.
That’s dread, my friend.
If your relationship is unhealthy or dysfunctional, I’m 99% sure your woman feels little to no dread. She feels that if your relationship ended, nothing terribly bad will happen to her.
Why does your woman NOT dread the idea of losing you?
It might be because:
- You’re not the strongest, most dominant man in her life. She knows if she started dating again, she’ll find a better man easily
- If you’re married, she doesn’t fear losing your financial support because she’ll get “cash and prizes” via divorce
- Your relationship is so bad she thinks life after the breakup will be SO much better
- Etc.
Make no mistake. If you want a healthy relationship, she MUST feel dread – a “baseline minimum” that makes her work hard to keep you.
You’ll want her to feel like if she misbehaves, she’ll lose you.
When she feels that sense of dread, THEN she’ll stop causing so much pain and friction between you. And instead, she’ll start working WITH you to make things better.
So how exactly do you make her dread losing you?
Here’s how.
How To Instill Dread In Your Woman
Dread makes a woman fear the changes she’ll go through when you leave her.
She’ll lose:
- Your companionship
- Sex whenever she wants
- Your love and connection
- Your financial support
The problem is that she can get all of the above from other sources besides you:
- She can get companionship from other men
- She can get sex from other men
- She can get love and connection from other men
- She can get financial support from other men (and her relatives)
The key, then, is to give her something NO ONE ELSE can give her.
And that is emotional rollercoasters.
Emotional rollercoasters are “thrill rides” you put her on whether she likes it or not. These are frequent, intensifying cycles of emotional stress and pleasure.
Why put her on emotional rollercoasters?
Two reasons:
- An emotional rollercoaster is the strongest addiction a woman can ever feel; and
- Other people give her either pleasure only (which she’ll take for granted) or stress only (which she’ll avoid). You’ll give her BOTH – a combination she can’t help but submit to.
When you subject your woman to emotional rollercoasters, the following changes happen:
- She stops being an emotional stone wall… and instead starts doubting herself
- She stops focusing on herself… and instead starts paying more attention to you
- She stops feeling annoyed by you… and instead starts feeling curious about you
- She stops trying to push you around… and instead starts looking up to your leadership
- She stops doing her own thing… and instead starts deriving her pleasure from you
Emotional rollercoasters are a fun, exciting way to shift the power balance in your favor. You’ll establish yourself as the leader in your relationship, while she’s your loyal sidekick.
THAT is where she’s the happiest – when she’s following the lead of a strong, dominant, purpose-driven man.
My client Neil did just that. He started putting his wife Donna on emotional rollercoasters by doing the following:
- Taking her on romantic dates, then disappearing for a day or two
- Taking her on hair-raising adventures, then bringing her home safely
- Telling her lighthearted stories with terrible endings (and vice-versa)
- Disciplining her when she displeased him, then rewarding her when she pleased him
- Going for days without contacting her whenever she acted up again
Almost immediately, Donna underwent a drastic change. Within weeks, she transformed from a dissatisfied woman into a loving, supportive wife.
Today, Neil and Donna are still going strong. Now that Donna is completely in love with Neil and does NOT want to leave him…
…Neil can now safely say he has a TRULY healthy relationship.
You, too, can have that healthy relationship you’ve always wanted.
You, too, can make your woman feel completely in love with you, and never want to let you go.
But you MUST instill dread in her. Very important.
Unless she dreads losing you, your relationship will NEVER be healthy.
Luckily, instilling dread is easy when you can put her on emotional rollercoasters.
And if you want to learn HOW to put her on emotional rollercoasters, here’s some good news:
You can learn how TODAY.
You can join my Online Masterclass on Mind Control. It teaches the emotional rollercoaster principle at its core.
You can sign up for the Masterclass below:
Request Invite Ticket For Online Masterclass
(NOTE: Please use your best e-mail address when signing up. It’s where I’ll send your Invite Ticket as soon as you qualify for the Online Masterclass.)
Now go ahead. Become the man she needs you to be.
Onward and upward,
P.S: What’s the worst thing your wife or girlfriend has ever done to you? Tell me about it in the comments section below.
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