So what do you do when a woman walks away from you? Do you, Option A, beg for her to stay? Or, Option B, do you say, “good riddance” and move on with your life?
Well, what do you think? Spend a minute or two to think about it.
Done? Good. Now, before I let you know what I think you should do, I’d like to introduce you to a concept known as the “Hot-Cold Continuum”. It’s something that I teach inside the Shogun Method bootcamp, a concept which we will feature inside Shogun Method 2.0. I’ll tell you more about Shogun Method later, but first, let’s talk about the “Hot-Cold Continuum”.
With a woman, there’s one thing that you must always be aware of, and that’s her interest level in you. This applies to someone you just approached, someone you already know, or your girlfriend or wife. A woman “assigns” you a number based on how intense her feelings are for you. Let’s say we put this number on a scale from one to ten. One is the lowest level of interest – she barely notices you at all, and she has got as much sexual attraction to you as to a bench in the park. As we move up this scale, her interest level goes up. Ten is the highest you can go – this is where Shogun Method “emotional addiction” resides. If you’re a Shogun, you should already know this. When your woman reaches the “E” stage inside the Shogun Method IRAE Model, you are on number ten on this scale.
Easy to understand, right?
Inside Shogun Method, we go beyond interest level and measure the degree of “Hotness” instead. It’s quite simple. A woman operates in either the “Hot Mode” or the “Cold Mode”. When she is in the “Hot Mode”, everything’s easy. You have amazing rapport with her, she’s agreeable to everything you say, she bends over backward for you, everything’s great. On a deeper level, if you’re running Shogun Method on her, her subconscious mind is open to you completely – you can plant ideas in her mind easily.
On the other hand, when she is in the “Cold Mode”, you’re in hell. She will throw out shit tests at you so fast that your head spins. Everything becomes hard. Communications become superficial; at best, she gets distracted, and at worst, she disrespects you. If you’re running Shogun Method on her, her subconscious mind is closed to you – your Intrigue Pings, Implanted Commands and Shogun Sequences will fail to register with her.
Just like the interest level, the “Hotness” and “Coldness” of a woman falls on a scale. We call this the “Hot-Cold Continuum”. On a scale of one to ten, one signifies extreme “Hotness” while ten signifies extreme “Coldness”. When a woman is Cold, she is shut off from you completely. When a woman is Hot, she will be receptive to whatever you say to her. (As a sidenote, Shoguns should use something like the Black Rose Sequence only when the woman is nine or ten in the “Hot-Cold Continuum”.)
Now, let’s get back to what we talked earlier: when a woman walks away from you. As a Shogun, you must step back and think strategically. Most non-Shoguns will have a knee-jerk reaction and start to chase after the women who had moved away from them. Don’t do that.
Instead, do what Shoguns do. First, understand why she is behaving this way. When she does that, what happens is that her “Hotness” score for you has fallen below a certain threshold. (A woman who is “Hot” for you will never walk away.) Now, the lower she goes in the “Hot-Cold Continuum”, the more shit tests she will give you. Make no mistake… walking away IS a shit test. And if you chase after her, you will have failed the test, moving further down the “Hot-Cold Continuum”.
So, as a Shogun, what you must do is to make her Hot again, moving UP the “Hot-Cold Continuum”. How do you do that? There are three steps to this, and I will share with you the three steps in a while.
Let’s recap. When a woman walks away from you, what her behavior is telling you is this:
“My hotness for you has gone down the continuum scale. To make her interested again, you must move up the scale again, above the hotness threshold.”
If you chase her, what you’re doing is moving DOWN the scale – not up. Chasing after her will have the counterproductive effect of making her walk FURTHER away from you. Trust me on this.
Instead, what you should do is what Shoguns would do. First, do the LOVE BOMB. This is where you PRETEND to chase after her. OK, this sounds the opposite of what I just told you, I know. I’ll explain this in a second. For now, you must PRETEND that you’re chasing after her.
If she has just left you, send her texts that you want her back. For example:
“What’s happening?”
“Let’s talk.”
“Why are you behaving like this?”
Again, you may be cringing at this, but bear with me here. What you want to do is to AFFIRM the belief in her mind that you care about her. You want to do this because of one thing – you want to SET HER UP FOR THE FALL. Make sense?
She may respond to you, or she may not. It doesn’t matter. What matters is how you plot the next move. After the LOVE BOMB, do the RUG PULL. You will cut off all contact with her and leave her out in the cold. In short, you pull the rug on her.
After about a day or two after you last contacted her, send her a simple text like this:
“OK, I guess”
The text has got to be short AND ambiguous. You want to make her guess what your intentions are. This is important.
She will most probably respond and ask you what you mean. At this point, you have got to go 100% cold on her. Resist the temptation to answer her. Switch off your phone. Keep yourself busy with other things. DO NOT CONTACT HER AT ALL. Muster all your willpower and RESIST answering her – even if she blows up your phone with calls and texts. THIS IS IMPORTANT.
Then, let her brew in her questions and feelings as they get bottled up inside her. Make her jump to conclusions – they are always favorable to you. Given the nature of the female mind, she will be swallowed whole by her own volatile emotions.
What’s next? Well, after a few days if ignoring her, send her a simple text:
That’s it. That’s the magical one-word text that will do all the work for you. Expect her to reply to you quickly, or call you. Answer her call (make sure it rings for about thirty seconds before you pick it up). Then, agree to see her.
And when you do, congratulations. She will be a changed person – and she will probably tell you that she regrets walking away from you. At this point, you’ll feel that the power in the relationship shifts back to you. And depending on how “bad” the situation had gotten for her, she would probably be scared of walking away from you again. The cherry on top is that she’ll be the submissive girlfriend you never thought she’d be. Be prepared to get your mind (and something else) blown.
Now, if you’ve not done this before – then understand that it’s natural to feel a little hesitant at first. Indeed, this is a risky technique, but then again, you’re talking about Shogun Method here, not some pussified dating trick by some stupid Pickup Artist or relationship guru. Shogun Method is about hardcore psychology, and that’s why it works so well – because it’s risky as hell.
So, here’s the deal. If you’re worried that she may go berserk on you, or if she walks away for good, then don’t do this. Many guys have found success with Shogun Method, but it’s not for everybody. It takes brass balls to make it work – and as Sir David Stirling once said: who dares, wins. Some Shoguns give me crap because I tell the world about Shogun Method, and it’s true if the fewer people know about Shogun Method, the better it would be for us Shoguns. However, I know that most people will never have the balls to use Shogun Method anyway, and so it’s all good.
So, here’s my question for you. Do you have the balls to use Shogun Method? Will you risk it all to have tremendous success in your love life? If yes, you should join us and be a Shogun. Otherwise, you should just go read a Pickup Artist ebook or something. That’s fine by me.
Again, Shogun Method is not for everyone. In fact, I’d loathe if EVERY GUY and his dog knows about this knowledge. To know if you’re suitably qualified to be a Shogun, read this brutally honest Shogun Method review. It will mark a turning point in your life, trust me on this.
S VM says
She is hot and already has a boyfriend, she liked me, but then will it work?, and whenever I try some B distroyer tech she further go and connect with her boyfriend more and only shit tests me…she came close to me but now matter has gotten worse. What to do next, I m in a hell now, in frustrating mode… allready..I tried fractionation and it worked but not more, she is half my age, but I liked her so much in a hell now…plz help..and make this private please…