How To Make Her Interested Again?
OK, so she lost interest…
I know how much that sucks. I’ve been there, man. Believe me, I know how that feels!
I once met a wonderful woman who was perfect in every way. Her name was Cherry, and not only she was gorgeous, she was warm, kind and loving. She was a real keeper! We really hit it off, and I was 100% convinced that she was my soul mate. For a couple of magical months with Cherry, I was in heaven.
Then, almost without any warning at all, it happened. Cherry told me that she lost interest, and she just left.
I was like… what the fuck?
If you’re experiencing the same thing, then take heart. Use these same steps that I took with Cherry, and you’ll see amazing results. I mean, Cherry is now back with me, and we’re making plans to walk down the aisle later this year.
Enough about me… now let’s talk about YOU. Is your woman losing interest in you? (If you’re not sure, read this guide to find out if your girlfriend is losing interest.) Are you worried that she might just leave you for good? If you are, then continue reading because you’ll learn everything you need to know to REVIVE her interest in you.
Sounds great, right?
How To Get Her Back: Using The “PREEMPTION” Tactic
First of all, I want you to understand this. If your woman is losing interest in you, it’s NOT your fault. Here’s why…
A woman is born to be fickle minded. And as you should already know, the female mind is hardly rational. Her thinking is completely overrun by her emotions. This means that you can never expect a woman to behave rationally and predictably at all.
And so you shouldn’t be surprised if she suddenly “feels” that she has lost interest in you. It can be a temporary thing… especially when you take the RIGHT steps to solve the problem. I’ll share with you a technique called “THE PREEMPTION” to turn the tables on her and make her interested in you again. Sounds good?
First things first. You’ll need to have the proper mindset to use the technique and make it work for you. You’ll need to understand that you’ll be MANIPULATING her covertly.
Yes, you heard that right. You’ll be manipulating her, and you’ll do that shamelessly. And you’ll need to be completely under-the-radar at the same time. This, my friend, is the only way you can win with women. That’s the truth!
And because you’ll be doing it covertly, you should NEVER confess your feelings to her. For example, you should NEVER say the following:
“I love you darling. Please don’t leave me. I’ll do anything for you to stay… anything.”
C’mon, don’t be a pussy.
With that mindset, let’s now talk about the one technique that will revive her interest and make her come back to you…
It’s a Mind Control technique which is known as “The Preemption“. And here’s what you do…
Like what its name would suggest, you’ll PREEMPT her rejection by first rejecting her. Here are some things you can say to her:
“Let’s just be friends for now.”
“I think we should start seeing other people. I mean, that will be good for both of us. Choices are good, right?”
“I need some time to do other things. Sorry but I can’t really commit to anything now.”
“Let’s just chill, alright? This is going way too fast for me.”
Get it?
Now let’s say you’re a little late and she has already rejected you. Still, you can use the “Preemption” technique to work for you, but with some tweaking.
For example, you can say:
“You know what? I’ve been thinking about it, and you’re right.”
“Thank you. I was just about to tell you the same thing, actually. I’m glad that we’re finally sorting this out.”
“That was quite a relief, actually.”
Make sense?
You’ll Need To Manipulate Her Covertly
One more tip… when you say those lines, make sure that you BELIEVE in them. If not, you’ll just sound like a cynical bastard who deserves to be dumped. Practice the lines in front of a mirror a couple of times, and make sure you sound 100% congruent. OK?
If you do this correctly, then you can expect her to feel surprised and intrigued at the same time. And in some cases, you may even make her feel pissed at you. After all, getting “friend zoned” is hardly pleasant… especially for a woman!
These are all normal reactions that you should expect from her. I mean, you should feel worried if she’s indifferent to you.
What you’re doing with the “Preemption” technique is that you’re messing with her mind and emotions. Remember when I said that you’ll be manipulating her covertly? This what you’re doing with the “Preemption” technique!
Close The Deal With Fractionation
Once she is intrigued, then expect her to want to have a “heart-to-heart talk” with you. For some reason nobody knows, women absolutely love to do the “we need to talk” shit. It’s hardwired into her psychology. In other words, she can’t help it!
Agree to her request, and set up a meeting where you can see her on a one-on-one basis with minimal distractions. And when you see her, use Fractionation on her.
Fractionation is a Mind Control technique which will make a woman feel emotionally addicted to you. And once she has developed an addiction to you, she’ll no longer “lose interest” in you… because by that time, she’ll be ENSLAVED to you. Pretty amazing, right?
We are nearing the end of this article, and so we won’t be able to cover the Fractionation technique in detail. However, you can learn about how to use Fractionation (and other Mind Control techniques) in Derek Rake’s legendary Online Masterclass –
Watch Mind Control Masterclass Online (Free)
Click on that link and follow the instructions. Remember to take lots of notes during the Masterclass!
Jimmy Barnes
PS: Got any questions for me? Post them below and I will answer them.
Dear Derek
Hello Sensei Derek. Dark Shogun appearing again. Can “The Preemption Technique” be used to get out of the Friend Zone even If she’s not you’re girlfriend or even If she doesn’t trust you? The beginning of you’re paragraph how you describe you’re women is the same way I felt about this girl that I wanted. Everything between us was just heaven…It was everything! Now she lost interested in me and I want know If this technique might help me to get her back interested in me once again? Thanks for reading my message. anything you say will help. Dark Shogun out!
Start back from Intrigue stage. IRAE Model works – follow it with surety!
Very good advice