The douchebag who sent me this email yesterday:
“Hey, Rake, tell you what. Why don’t you give me Shogun Method for free, and you teach me how I can get a woman to sleep with me this weekend. You can then use me as a case study to prove that your stuff works. Deal?”
LOL. Thanks, but no thanks, buddy.
I always get a hearty laugh when I receive these kinds of “proposals”, which hit my inbox, like, 5-7 times a month.
What these airheads don’t know is that I don’t need a “case study” to “prove” to anyone that the Shogun Method works.
If I had wanted case studies, I would have easily gotten them from the thousands of guys I have successfully coached on the platform.
(Every Shogun Method client gets unlimited coaching at from me personally, good for a lifetime.)
OK, don’t get me wrong now: I try to help as many people as I can.
I have, however, stopped giving out free advice a long time ago. Why? It’s because that’s grossly unfair to my paid members.
My clients are my priority. Bottom-feeding, tire-kicking douchebags are not.
Also, understand that the Shogun Method is not some “Pickup Artist” ebook which needs “case studies” as “proof” that it works.
It’s a movement which rallies men to fight back in the lopsided game of love and relationships with the wicked ways of Mind Control and subliminal manipulation.
And my guys are taking over the world… with or without those freeloading sons of bitches.
You, on the other hand, can do the smart thing and get on the winning side by joining us now:
Derek “All We Do Is Win” Rake
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