TThere was a moment when I felt completely invincible. I was only ten minutes into the approach, and she was already punching her number into my iPhone.
She was about to land a big, fat kiss on my lips… in two minutes, tops.
And I knew that with the absolute-st of certainly. How could I not? I had just given her a good dose of Fractionation. She fell into complete trance, completely at my mercy.
Five of my private clients were quietly observing from the other side of the bar. They, too, were mesmerized.
Then, out of the blue, a drunkard stumbled onto her and knocked her martini from her hand. She immediately snapped out of trance, and looked at me like I was a three-headed alien from Mars.
Imagine the pressure: I teach men how to seduce women. That’s what I do. After all, I wrote the infamous Shogun Method, the de facto seduction philosophy of winners.
Screwing up when I’m under the spotlight is completely out of the question.
At that moment, I was Derek Rake no longer… but back to novice mode.
Like Donald Trump would say, I was choking like a dog.
So what was happening?
Under tremendous pressure, guys make mistakes. F1 drivers crash. Professional soccer players kick the ball way off the mark. Even the great Kobe Bryant reportedly missed more than 13,700 of his shots in his storied career in the NBA.
You can say that Kobe Bryant “choked” 13,700 times as a pro basketball player. And yet he ended as one of the best players in a generation.
So what does that tell you?
The reality is that even when you’ve achieved the highest level of mastery of your chosen craft… you can should still expect to stumble and choke on occasions.
After all, we are human, not robots.
I’ll readily confess to you now despite what you may have heard or read elsewhere, I don’t have the superpowers to score with every female I lay my eyes on.
Now some “Pickup Gurus” may try to sell you a magic pill that claims to shortcut your way to seduction heaven, but I’m here to tell you that I will promise you nothing of that sort.
Instead, when you take the Shogun Method journey with me, I’ll personally work with you to embrace your shortcomings like how I’ve embraced mine.
You’ll learn not to give a flying fook about stumbling, faltering and choking… and to instead see your setbacks as part and parcel of your journey to be a master seducer.
At this point, you have two choices.
To borrow that iconic quote from “The Matrix” –
“You take the Blue Pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the Red Pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”
To take the Blue Pill, simply do nothing. And you’ll continue to get the results that you’ve been getting all this while. No surprises there.
To take the Red Pill, continue here:
Derek “Morpheus” Rake
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