On the plane ride home from LA last weekend I finally saw the movie I’ve been wanting to see but never got around to do it:
I thought it was awesome as fock!
Not only because I really dig the original (1979) “Alien” movie. The “chest burster” scene (where the creature explodes out of the victim’s chest) was probably the single most scary moment ever put on film. If you’ve seen it once, you’ll probably remember it for the rest of your life.
Unlike “Alien” however, “Prometheus” did not have any of those blood-curdling, chest-bursty moments, and yet it had a far superior script filled with lots of thought-provoking lines that would make you pause and reflect.
There’s one line of advice from David 8 (a Cybernetic Android aboard the Prometheus spaceship in the movie) that can make you kick some serious butt at anything you want in life… yes, ANYTHING – especially in dating and relationships:
Big things have small beginnings
Sounds so simple, doesn’t it?
It’s a million miles away from what your scammy neighborhood Pickup Artist cum “Guru” will tell you, and yet it’s true.
If you’re finally getting started at sorting out your dating life, then I’m going to give you this similar piece of advice:
“Start small.”
Stop getting bogged down with all the gobbledygook “seduction theories” and “pickup routines” that you find over the Internet.
Stop feeling overwhelmed by the conflicting advice that you get from those self-anointing, money-grubbing “Pickup Gurus”.
Stop worrying about what others may think about you.
Just start by taking one small step at a time.
Download the Shogun Method (one step), go to the Fractionation module (one step) and learn the simple One Sentence Fractionation trick (one step). All this will take 15 to 20 minutes, tops.
Then, tomorrow, use the One Sentence Fractionation on any woman you meet.
I won’t spoil the surprise for you, but I bet you’ll be absolutely delighted at how she responds to your approach.
Let’s start by taking the small step that you need to take next. Do you know what it is?
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