Many Pickup Artists and Love Gurus tell their students to “fail fast”. Go to a Guru seminar and you’ll hear catchphrases like “learn to fail or fail to learn” or “there’s no rejection, only feedback.” And guess what? Guys lap this nonsense up. I can’t tell you how often I hear we need to “learn how to fail” to be good with women!
I guess we can’t blame those Gurus because that’s how they make their money. The word “failure” is catchy as hell. Why? Because it’s human nature to fail, something we automatically relate to. As humans, screwing up is unavoidable. And frankly, I don’t trust anyone who tells me they’ve not failed at anything.
So, here’s what I want you to know. If you’re failing with women despite trying very hard, then guess what? It’s not really failure. Let me explain.
True failure is different. It’s dark. It hurts you. It comes from mistakes you know you shouldn’t be making. Like using Pickup Artist tricks. Or following the latest Love Guru trends. Or refusing to accept your true nature, your masculinity.
When we talk about failure, it’s about experimentation. It’s important to know this: your journey with women will never be a straight, unbroken line. It will be filled with so many twists and turns that your head spins. Often you’ll go in the wrong direction and you’ll be forced to backtrack. And that’s fine.
So, here’s the answer to the question: “Why do I fail with every girl?”
It’s not failure if you’re putting legitimate knowledge into practice. It’s only failure if you use crap like Pickup Artist or Love Guru tricks.
So what’s legitimate knowledge?
Shogun Method, hands down. To my mind, it contains all the knowledge a guy will ever need to win with women. It’s complete. It’s authoritative. And it’s superior to every Pickup Artist and Love Guru tricks you’ll ever find.
But here’s the kicker though… knowing the theory of Shogun Method is not enough. What’s more important is your willingness to try Shogun Method relentlessly until you make it work. Despite its superiority, Shogun Method is not a magic bullet. (Nothing is.)
So here’s what you need to understand:
To be successful with women, you’ll need two things.
One, legitimate knowledge, AND
Two, significant patience and endurance.
Shogun Method takes care of the first part. You’ll need to supply the second.
Your job as a Shogun is simple. You must take as many of the wrong turns as necessary until you are on the path that leads you to Shogun Method mastery. That’s all.
And it doesn’t matter if you want to date as many women as you can, or if you want to look for your one true love. It’s all the same. As long as you use Shogun Method, none of what you do is failure.
Understand: there is nothing conventional about Shogun Method. Most of the things you find in there will be new to you. It’s hard for most people. Nobody “gets” Shogun Method right off the bat. Everyone messes up. Everyone!
And so, here’s what I want to leave you with–
You’re not failing. Have faith in Shogun Method. Like many other Shoguns before you, you’ll get what you want in the end. I promise you.
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