“How to Murder Your Husband writer guilty of murdering husband!”
That sounds like something out of The Onion, right? But no. It happened. For real.
In 2011, Nancy Brophy published a blog post on How To Murder Your Husband. A real piece of work, this woman. Just to show you how sick she is, here are some ideas that brewed inside her sociopath brain–
“Husbands have disappeared from cruise ships before. Why not yours?”
“Bash his head in or stab him with a kitchen knife.”
“Arsenic is easy to obtain, worse, easy to trace. It takes a month or two to kill someone.”
“How much upper body strength to strangle a person?”
Only a demented person will write shit like that, but this sicko took her own advice and killed her own husband. And her reason? She was broke, and she figured she could cash in on his insurance.
What the fuck, right?
Now, if you think this is a rare thing, here’s the question I want to ask you.
How many women in the world are sociopaths like Nancy Brophy?
Ten, twenty percent?
Well, you’re too nice.
Because the figure could be at least 30% of the entire female population, and that’s being charitable. 40% may be more realistic. 50% is absolutely possible.
So, there could be a 50-50 chance your woman is a sociopath like Nancy Brophy.
Scary, right?
Johnny Depp had Amber Heard’s birthday party to go to. But before that, he had to meet his bankers first. Those fuckers had lost him some $600 million, so the meeting dragged on for a while longer.
Amber got pissed Johnny was late. So she went home and took a shit on his bed.
Now, do you want to date someone like Amber Heard?
If Johnny Depp knew one day all this shit will happen (pun intended), do you think he would even get started with her?
Of course not.
So, here’s the important thing to understand. Before you use Shogun Method on a woman, she must prove her worth to you. Never waste your precious masculine energy on a sociopath.
And guess what? She’s probably a sociopath, you simply don’t know it yet.
So, how do you know?
Inside the Shogun Method community at ShogunMethod.net, there’s a program called Red Flags.
I’m not asking you to buy Shogun Method today. But if you are already a Shogun, go download that program. If not, I’m going to share with you a list of seven Red Flags you can use to pre-qualify a woman before you get serious with her.
Use this checklist to check if you’re dating a crazy woman. You’ll save yourself years of anguish, misery and heartbreak. Trust me on this.
Now, before I share the list with you, there’s one important thing to understand…
If your woman shows only one or two of these signs on their own, it’s not a sign she’s crazy. What you want to check if she shows multiple signs consistently. The more signs she shows over time, the more likely she is a sociopath.
Got that? Good. OK, so here goes.
The first sign to look out for–beauty. Sociopathic women are usually beautiful. And because of their beauty, people tolerate their crazy behavior. Because they can get away with doing crazy things, it makes them even crazier.
Of course, not all beautiful women are sociopaths. But sociopath women are usually beautiful.
The second sign are fake beauty markers. What are fake beauty markers? These are the things that she adds to her body to make her look different. Examples are tattoos, piercings and hair coloring.
Narcissism goes hand-in-hand with crazy. It’s not enough to be beautiful; the crazy woman wants to be different. And they do this by scarring their bodies and dirtying their hair.
The third sign is what I call the “emotional switch”. A sociopath could go from explosive rage to Zen-like calm at the snap of a finger. It’s as if she could change her emotions at the flip of the switch.
When normal people get angry, we usually take some time to let the anger go off slowly. Sociopaths can appear to have the amazing ability to suppress their anger immediately. And yet, deep down inside, they harbor the resentment that lasts a long, long time.
Sociopaths bear grudges, and they may do so for years.
The fourth sign: she frequently says, “I’m not usually like this.” This is her standard excuse for her sociopathic behavior.
If your woman kicks your chihuahua and says, “I’m not usually like this”, guess what? She likes kicking chihuahuas.
The fifth sign: she frequently says, “I don’t understand why…”
A sociopath woman lacks empathy, and so if you’re upset with her, she can’t understand why.
Let’s say she got drunk and slept with your best friend. You want to dump her ass but she doesn’t understand why. After all, she got drunk and you weren’t there, and so it was your fault she banged your friend instead.
Yes, that’s how crazy woman thinks!
The sixth sign is she’s charming as fuck.
Now, even if you get mad at them, you can’t stay angry for long. Ever known a guy who puts up with a crazy woman no matter how crazy she behaves? Well, it’s because she can be really charming and sweet to him when nobody else is looking.
So, here’s the mark of a true sociopathic woman: you can’t stay mad at her for long.
And sociopaths know this. They know they can always find their way out of the tricky situations that they often get themselves stuck in. This emboldens them to be even more sociopathic because they never get into trouble for long.
Not only that, sociopaths often oozes with charisma. And that’s why they make such fine, scumbag politicians.
And here’s the seventh and final sign she’s crazy–
She has no real friends.
A sociopathic woman’s charm on the people around her is strong but temporary. People like her at first, but as her sociopathic tendencies flare up, they leave.
So, here’s what to do–look at the people closest to her. Does she have any real, close friends?
Even better–see how her brothers and sisters treat her. Do they love her like family, or do they treat her like a pariah?
OK, so to recap, here are the seven signs you’re dating a crazy woman.
One. She’s beautiful.
Two. She has tattoos, piercings or fake hair color.
Three. She could switch her emotions on and off easily.
Four. She frequently says, “I’m not usually like this.”
Five. She frequently says, “I don’t understand why…”
Six. She’s so charming you can’t stay angry at her for long. And,
Seven. She has no real friends, and her own family hates her.
Got all that? Good.
Now, here’s something that bothers me somewhat…
Many guys realize they are stuck with a sociopath, and they often come to me or Derek Rake for help. But often, it’s too late for us to help them.
Because Shogun Method doesn’t cure sociopathy.
If you’re stuck with a sociopath, the best thing is to dump her.
Because with Shogun Method, it’s piss easy to find another woman. Someone who is well-adjusted and emotionally healthy. Someone who doesn’t shit your bed because you’re late to her birthday. Someone who is not a sociopath.
Because here’s the thing. With Shogun Method, you can get almost any woman you want. Why waste its power on the unworthy, the mediocre, or the crazy?
Listen. Never make the mistake of sticking with a woman simply because you don’t have a choice. With Shogun Method, you’ll finally have the power to pick who gets to be with you.
Imagine holding a gun in your hand. Point it at any woman, pull the trigger and she falls head over heels in love with you. What are you going to do with that gun?
Now is the time. Learn Shogun Method. You know it makes sense.
And so here’s the important thing to do next–start with the online Masterclass. Go to FractionationHypnosis.com and follow the instructions. Stop fucking around. Do it now.
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