OK, so let me ask you this. Is there a woman in your life who’s friendly with you, and who you secretly like, too…
…and you’re wondering if it’s sexual tension you feel?
If you’re wondering exactly that, then you’re not alone!
Sexual tension is a mystery to most guys. It’s true.
I mean, most guys have a general idea of what it is. However, when it comes to specifics – such as when they meet a woman who’s overly friendly with them – they’re stumped.
And to be safe, most men do NOT act on the sexual tension. Most men think they’d rather be wrong than be accused of sexual harassment. That’s pretty understandable, right?
But did you know how the LADIES feel about sexual tension?
Here’s the thing: Most women NEVER confess their feelings to a man.
It’s all because when they do, society tends to label them as “easy” or “slutty.”
And so to protect their reputations, women drop hints instead.
They’ll tease you here, they’ll flirt with you there… while being plausibly deniable at all times.
Mind blown, right?
Now imagine how a woman feels if she put her reputation at risk by flirting with you…
…and then you didn’t act on the resulting sexual tension?
She’d be PISSED, that’s for sure!
And you’ll be left with yet another golden opportunity you missed in life.
Now think about the woman who’s being really friendly with you right now.
Would you like to find out, beyond any doubt, that she DOES like you?
And if she DOES like you… would you like to learn exactly HOW to move the relationship forward?
If you answered “yes” to both questions, then this video is for you.
This video will explain to you exactly what sexual tension is… the top 10 sexual tension signs you must know… and what to do when you feel it with a woman.
Now before we talk about the top 5 sexual tension signs…
…let’s first clarify exactly what sexual tension is.
Sexual tension is simply the tension felt between masculine and feminine energies.
It’s uncomfortable – like an itch you need to scratch.
The more sexual tension a person feels, the more they crave a sexual release.
Now here’s the thing: There are two kinds of sexual tension.
- First, there’s “personal” sexual tension. Men and women feel personal sexual tension all the time. For instance, you might feel sexual tension towards an attractive woman on the street… but she doesn’t feel a thing for you. That’s “personal” sexual tension.
- And then there’s the second kind of sexual tension: “Mutual” sexual tension. It’s where both you AND the woman feel it.
Mutual sexual tension is the only thing you should think about. After all, what’s the use of sexual tension when it’s only YOU who are feeling it, right?
So, here are the top 5 signs of mutual sexual tension:
The first sign is the invasion of personal space.
Does she stand really close to you?
Does she touch you often… even if it’s at “harmless” spots, like your arm, back, or shoulder?
And most importantly… does she let YOU into her personal space?
If she does… you can be pretty sure that it’s mutual sexual tension that both of you are feeling.
The second sign is when she goes out of her way to spend time with you.
This is a HUGE sign when she’s a busy woman.
It means she believes she gets more value spending time with YOU… than by working, or pursuing a career, or being with friends and family.
The third sign of mutual sexual tension? She really, really cares about what you say.
This is an even bigger sign if she agrees with what you say… or even changes her opinion to match yours.
It’s a fact of human nature to be “biased” towards the people we like the most… and you’re THAT to her.
The fourth sign of mutual sexual tension is when she openly flirts with you.
This is HUGE if she’s the shy, conservative type… or otherwise a woman who’s conscious of her appearance and reputation.
If she is, and she flirts with you anyway… that means she trusts you enough to “let her hair down” and feel safe.
And the fifth sign of mutual sexual tension? You could both see yourselves in a relationship.
This is when you both “know” you like each other… even if neither of you has said it out loud. You can see it in each other’s eyes.
And there you have it – the top 5 signs of mutual sexual tension.
If you spot any two signs, then there’s no doubt – she’s not just being friendly.
She really does like you… a lot.
Now comes the fun part: Getting into a dating relationship with her.
And sadly, this is also where most guys mess up.
Most guys don’t know how to capitalize on sexual tension… and the woman they’re with ends up getting pissed and losing interest.
And a golden opportunity goes up in smoke.
Now, you’re about to learn how to NOT make that mistake.
What you’re about to learn is a powerful, foolproof way to capitalize on the sexual tension… and take your relationship with her as far as it can go. And I can guarantee that you’ve never heard about this method before.
Now here’s how to capitalize on mutual sexual tension.
The technique I’m about to share with you was taught me by my friend and mentor, Derek Rake.
Who is Derek Rake?
Well, Derek is a mentalist, author, coach, and the founder of the Shogun Method school of dating. And one of his most important lessons to his 17,000 students is this:
Master the art of Fractionation.
Now, you might be wondering: “What is Fractionation?”
Fractionation is a Mind Control technique. It involves putting women on emotional rollercoasters… using nothing more than storytelling.
And when it comes to sexual tension, Fractionation is what will push your woman over the edge.
She’ll fall so deeply in love with you that getting into a dating relationship with you… becomes the only decision that makes sense to her.
Doesn’t that sound awesome?
It gets better. Fractionation can be done by ANYONE – including you.
Here’s an example of how Fractionation could work in your situation.
Right now, you’re NOT dating yet… but you want to push your relationship from being platonic to being romantic.
So you “rollercoaster” her emotions between feeling platonic… and feeling romantic with you.
So you could have a conversation that goes this way:
- First, you could start out with a platonic question, such as: “Do you like road trips?”
- Then you could continue the topic with a romantic tone, such as… “My ex-girlfriend and I used to take road trips all the time.”
- Then you could bring the topic back to platonic grounds, such as by saying… “Have you ever taken a road trip across the country, from east to west?”
- Then you could bring things back to romantic grounds again, such as by saying… “Once you’re done with your thesis, and as soon as I got my business up, we should totally go on a road trip together.”
See how it works?
The secret is in the parts where you go back down to platonic feelings. When you do, her romantic feelings DOUBLE in intensity… or even more.
This is the opposite of what most guys do, which is to go all-platonic first… then suddenly go all-romantic. It’s jarring for most women, and it doesn’t help sexual tension at all.
But the more you use Fractionation, the deeper and deeper she falls in love with you… until she ultimately admits her love for you… or kisses you if she’s more action-oriented.
That’s Fractionation. That’s how you capitalize on sexual tension.
But that’s not all Fractionation is good for.
Once you’re already in a relationship with your woman, you can keep using Fractionation.
And when you do, her love for you just gets deeper and deeper… until she becomes totally ADDICTED to you for life.
In other words… with Fractionation, you can make sure 100% that she will NEVER leave you.
How cool is that?
Now here’s the catch: Fractionation is quite a complex topic.
Ask any Dating Guru or Pickup Artist about signs of sexual tension and he’ll often tell you shit like…
She blushes when she sees you!
She keeps looking at you from afar!
She can’t help but to flirt with you!
She smiles at you…a lot!
She teases you!
I read these and think to myself…they can’t be fucking serious. Do these clowns live in a Disney movie or something? Because the real world doesn’t work like that.
In this video, I’m going to set the record straight. You’re going to learn the real deal about sexual tension, warts and all. And it’s probably going to surprise you.
Before we start, though, here’s what I want you to know.
Knowing how to tell if a woman genuinely likes you is crucial.
Well, imagine this scenario. You believe a woman likes you, and you decide to ask her out. What could happen?
She might reject you, sure, but that’s not the worst-case scenario.
Because here’s the thing. Some women are batshit insane these days, and they’re looking for ways to hurt men. You might even get hit by sexual harassment lawsuits if you’re unlucky.
So, here’s the key point. There’s a surefire way to know if a woman fancies you with spot-on accuracy, and the answer boils down to two words–
Sexual tension.
And here’s why…
A woman can’t fake sexual tension. Sure, she can pretend to like you by smiling at you a lot or laugh at your unfunny jokes. However, if sexual tension is in the air, the attraction is real.
Let’s face it; we all know this. A woman can fake almost everything, from an innocent smile to a screaming orgasm. But guess what? She can’t fake sexual tension.
So, in this video, you’re going to learn how to detect real sexual tension like a pro, much like how a seasoned Shogun would.
And you know what? That’s not all you’re going to learn from me today. Once you know these signs of sexual tension, we’re taking one step further. You’re going to discover how to capitalize on the sexual tension and make her fall head over heels for you. And that’s without having to ask her out or doing anything risky like that.
That’s my promise to you. By the end of the video, you’ll learn two new things. First, you’ll know everything you need to know about sexual tension. In particular, you’ll learn how to decode sexual tension using five uncommon signs. And second, you’ll learn how to exploit the sexual tension to spark her attraction towards you.
Sounds good, right?
Before we continue, subscribe to my channel if you haven’t done so already. Go on and click subscribe now as I wait here.
(Pause three seconds)
Done? Awesome.
OK, so what I am going to teach you is a unique tactic I took from Shogun Method. Now, I’m not telling you how great Shogun Method is, and how all men should learn it. Instead, I’m going to share with you a Shogun Method concept called the Behavior Shift.
What’s the Behavior Shift?
Well, here’s how it works. Every woman has a certain “standard” pattern of behavior. It’s the way she talks and walks, her facial and body expressions, and how she behaves around people.
99.9% of the time, a woman behaves automatically according to this default standard. Whenever there is a deviation, guess what? It indicates sexual tension.
For example, if she is an outgoing girl who treats everyone warmly, that’s her “standard”…
…and so, if she’s friendly to you, she’s simply her usual, standard self. There’s no shift in her behavior there. Zero Behavior Shift means zero sexual tension.
Heck, even if she’s extra flirty with you, it means nothing. The Behavior Shift is too small to be significant.
But, if she ignores you, or treats you coldly, guess what? That’s a tremendous shift from her standard behavior. In fact, it’s the opposite of who she is.
In that case, yes, there IS sexual tension, and yes, she is genuinely interested in you.
Got that?
Now, here’s the game plan. What most good Shoguns do is, whenever they meet a woman, they first baseline her behavior. Then, they use Shogun Method on her to trigger her Behavior Shifts. Clever, right?
So, what are these typical Behavior Shifts? Well, there are five of them–
The first Shift involves eye contact. Instead of maintaining eye contact with you, she goes out of the way NOT to look at you. It’s obvious when she’s making eye contact with everyone except you.
The second Shift is her demeanor. She’s chatty and friendly with others but she freezes up when she’s with you. The unbearable sexual tension is in the air, and it’s making her nervous.
The third Shift is when she ignores you. You will notice this when she flirts with other guys and yet she’s completely cold with you. This strange behavior has two reasons. First, it’s for self-protection: your presence makes her highly self-conscious. And second, she’s trying to trigger your jealousy. Both indicate sexual tension and attraction.
The fourth Shift is when she stops ignoring you. Soon, she’ll tire of ignoring you and gather the courage to enter your circle. She’ll talk to you about things she doesn’t usually talk with other guys. She’ll be extra talkative and lively, marking a change from how she treated you previously.
The fifth Shift is the biggest, and is what Shoguns call the Contrarian. She’s now on friendly terms with you, and yet she complains about you with others. She says she finds you mean and annoying. The Contrarian sign is the surest sign of sexual tension and attraction.
And as you can see, all five Shifts are like a progression of sorts. One lines up before the other. In Shogun Method, we know this as the principle of linearity. A woman falls in love in a straight line, one stage after another. Derek Rake calls this the IRAE Model, with IRAE denoting the four stages of love: Intrigue, Rapport, Attraction and Enslavement. To know more about the IRAE Model, download his free digital book at iraemodel.com
OK, so now you know all five Shifts that signal sexual tension. Here’s the takeaway: If she shows two or more of these Shifts, you can be sure she’s somewhat attracted to you. At this point, you’re already halfway home. All you need to do next is to seal the deal and she’s yours.
How do you do that?
Once again, we turn to Shogun Method for guidance. The answer lies in this Shogun Method technique we call the “F”.
Here’s how the “F” works.
Remember the fifth Behavior Shift–the Contrarian? Well, it’s something like that. For some weird reason, women are attracted to contrasts in their lives. They like to bounce from one extreme to the other, experiencing life as an emotional roller coaster. The Contrarian Shift embodies this. They like you, yet they bitch about you.
The Shogun Method “F” technique is about creating such contrasts in a woman’s emotional experience. Here are some examples:
Friendship and romance.
Platonic and sexual.
Spiritual and physical.
Pain and pleasure.
Sadness and joy.
You get the idea, right?
For instance, you can start with impersonal questions about her profession to warm her up.
Then, transition to personal topics, such as her romantic life.
Afterward, pivot to discussions about her hobbies.
Following that, segue into a conversation about her preferences and experiences in the realm of sexuality. What’s the most daring thing she has ever done?
Finally, return to a safe topic, like her favorite vacation destination. Then, gradually steer the conversation toward her romantic experiences. How does she describe her ideal romantic destination?
Easy, right?
That’s the “F” technique in action. It’s so unintrusive that she won’t even realize what’s happening. All she knows is she’s casually conversing with you, without knowing what you’re doing in the background.
It appears innocent and yet it exerts a powerful influence on women–it disarms them completely around men. Because, remember. The less guarded a woman is, the easier it is for her to fall in love.
The magic of the “F” technique is that, like everything in Shogun Method, it works covertly. You’re not really hitting on her, and so she’ll believe she’s attracted to you entirely on her own accord. You want her to think,
“I can’t quite explain it, but there’s something special about this guy.”
We Shoguns, of course, know what’s up. You’ve hacked into her mind by exploiting her psychological weakness–
Her emotional addiction to contrasts.
Amazing, right?
Well, that’s not all. Here are three more things the “F” technique can give you:
One. Her trust. The more she talks to you, the closer you’ll get to her.
Two. Her emotional intimacy. She’ll think you’re her soulmate, one of the few who could truly understand her. And,
Three. Her commitment. If she’s addicted to what only you can give her, she’ll remain by your side as long as you want.
So, what’s this magical “F” technique then? Well, “F” stands for Fractionation.
In Shogun Method terms, you Fractionate a woman, bouncing her between emotional highs and lows. And that’s how you secure a woman’s love and devotion to you.
At this point, let me ask you this. Do you desire her trust, emotional intimacy and commitment?
If yes, then Fractionation is the answer.
All you need to do to learn it is to go to fractionation.org and sign up for the free Masterclass. There, you’ll discover how to Fractionate a woman like a pro…just like how us Shoguns do it.
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