Do you have a girlfriend or wife who’s being too dominant in your relationship?
Despite how much you love her, is she getting on your nerves?
You might be feeling more and more insignificant in your relationship.
You might be getting more and more frustrated… but you’re afraid to say or do anything about it… because you’re afraid you might lose her or damage your reputation, or both.
You might feel a little sick being in a relationship with a dominant woman…
If that sounds like you right now, then here’s a bit of reassurance. It’s NOT YOUR FAULT you feel that way.
After all, Mother Nature has hard-wired men like you to be LEADERS. And the fact that you’re NOT the leader in your relationship will NEVER feel good to you.
But at the same time, make no mistake: This can’t continue.
Your woman can’t continue dominating you.
If she does, then your relationship WILL end… either you reach your breaking point and give up on her… or she gets so frustrated at your weakness that SHE gives up on you.
That’s the scenario that this video will help you avoid at all costs.
This video will show you how to deal with a dominant woman. More specifically, it will show you how to reclaim your rightful leadership… WITHOUT having to hurt your woman or compromise your reputation.
Sounds good?
Before we get to the good stuff, though, check out this video.
Done? Great.
Now let’s get started.
First, let’s ask the most pressing question of all:
Why do women like to dominate men?
Here’s the thing… women actually DON’T like to dominate men.
It’s NOT their nature to dominate and lead us.
In other words, a “dominant woman” hardly feels natural and comfortable with herself… because it’s not natural for women to be dominant. It’s true!
Instead, it’s their nature to be nurturers and supporters… NOT leaders.
So why does YOUR woman dominate you?
Simple: Because all man-woman relationships NEED a leader.
Relationships do NOT need co-equal partners. One of you should have the power to “put your foot down” on important decisions… and the other should follow whether they like it or not.
Here’s the thing: When you FAIL to step into the leadership role, your woman will.
Here are the signs that your woman is dominating you BECAUSE you’re not being the leader she needs you to be:
- You might believe in being “equals” with your woman.
- Or you might not believe that she should “submit” to your authority.
- Or you might be afraid people will call you out for being “sexist” if you lead your relationship.
- Or you might not want to hurt her feelings in any way.
- Or your woman’s happiness is more important to you than your own happiness.
You get the idea.
Now, you might be asking: “Why is all of that bad?”
Here’s why.
Think of how BAD you feel right now.
Think of how EMASCULATED you feel for being the “follower” in your relationship… instead of the leader.
How bad does it feel?
Pretty bad, right?
Well, guess what – that’s EXACTLY how your woman feels right now… only about TEN TIMES worse.
That’s why she’s treating you like hell right now. She’s blaming YOU for how bad she feels… even if she doesn’t know it.
So listen carefully: If you want a relationship where you’re BOTH happy… then you MUST become the leader she needs you to be.
Now let’s get to more good stuff!
Here’s how to deal with a dominant woman.
The only GOOD way to deal with a dominant woman is to turn the tables on her.
That is… you must DOMINATE her. You must RECLAIM YOUR LEADERSHIP from her.
But you’re not going to do it violently. We don’t condone physical violence here.
Instead, you’ll do it COVERTLY.
She should NEVER know what happened. All she’ll know is that she’ll stop dominating you… and instead she’ll find herself following your leadership more and more.
Now, how exactly do you achieve that?
Answer: With a Mind Control technique called “Fractionation.”
“Fractionation” is a technique developed by Derek Rake. Derek is the world’s foremost authority on Mind Control in the relationships industry.
Derek is the creator of the Shogun Method system of dating, which has 17,000+ followers globally. Fractionation is one of Shogun Method’s core techniques.
So exactly what is Fractionation?
Fractionation is the art of putting your woman on emotional rollercoasters. These are subtle, intensifying cycles of emotional highs and lows.
Here are some examples of emotional rollercoasters:
- You might tease her, and then give her some affection.
- You can argue with her, and then give her some loving reassurance after she apologizes.
- You can take her on something dangerous… such as skydiving or a road trip into the middle of nowhere… and then take her home safely.
- You can inflict emotional pain on her… and then give her emotional pleasure.
- You can give her an emotional high… and then promptly disappoint her afterward.
You get the idea!
Now, you might be thinking: “Why in the world would I want to put my woman through that?”
Answer: Three reasons:
- One, because it’s the fastest way to snap her out of her dominant state of mind…
- Two, because it’s the fastest way to make her see you as a strong and dominant…
- And three, because it’s the fastest way to make her feel emotionally ADDICTED to you.
When you put her on emotional rollercoasters, her emotions go haywire. It’s like she loses her grip on reality – she’s no longer sure what’s going on.
In other words, she “Fractionates.”
And she’s left with no option but to submit to you if she wants to regain her sanity and happiness.
Now, how EXACTLY you Fractionate your woman will depend on how bad your relationship is.
If things aren’t too bad, then you can probably establish your dominance by simple means.
- For instance, you might only need to be more decisive.
- Or you might start teasing her without being afraid of offending her.
- Or you might simply start doing things without seeking her approval.
But if things are REALLY bad, you might need to resort to more drastic means.
- For instance, you might disappear for a few days with zero contact with her. Then when you reappear and she demands to know what happened, you simply tell her you “needed some alone time…” and refuse to explain further.
- Or you might even start a huge fight with her, telling her: “You’re just like all the stupid women in this city. I thought you were different.” And then you leave for a few days until she apologizes.
- And if she ever tries to fight back, you don’t back down. You’d much rather end the relationship than give up your position as leader.
You get the idea.
You may need to start small, and then ramp up the emotional rollercoasters as you need to.
The key is to be unexpected and unpredictable. If your woman NEVER DETECTS what you’re trying to do, then she can’t help but feel more and more helpless… until she submits to your authority.
And here’s the best thing about all this: In the long run, she’ll LOVE it.
She’ll love the drama. She’ll love your strength. And she’ll love the idea that she no longer has to lead the relationship… because she now has a strong, dominant, capable man to follow.
Yes, my friend, you CAN dominate your wife.
And even if she may SEEM to protest and resist, she’s going to LOVE IT in the long run.
The catch?
Here’s the catch: You’ll need to do it quickly.
Because the longer she “stays in power,” the sooner she’ll give up on you and leave.
Fractionation is the fastest, surest way to reclaim your leadership.
And if you want to master Fractionation, you’re in luck.
In just a few moments, a link will come up on the video.
It’s a link to a special, exclusive Online Masterclass on Mind Control.
This Online Masterclass will be given by none other than Derek Rake himself. You can’t hope for a better master to mentor you on Mind Control.
In Derek’s Online Masterclass, you’ll learn about Fractionation… how to use it… and real examples of it in action.
So if you’re serious about dealing with the dominant woman in your life… then click on the link and sign up for Derek’s Online Masterclass on Mind Control.
Use your best e-mail address when signing up. You should receive your Invite Ticket shortly.
Remember: If you don’t establish your authority over your woman soon, your relationship WILL end… one way or another.
You MUST use Fractionation. It’s the key.
And that key can be yours today. Click on the link and join Derek’s Online Masterclass on Mind Control now.
Awesome post. I was just recording a video of the importance as the man to be the leader in the relationship. I found an article that surveyed what women want in a man and the #1 thing was his leadership ability. Women want a man that can lead them in all aspects of their lives.
Ok sure the article makes sense to a point but when you say being coequals is what creates the problem- I don’t agree with that- bc then this point of yours is implying that we should rewind back to brutal old patriarchal times where women weren’t considered equal to men…yes men and women ARE equal BUT just DIFFERENT, and there’s a difference between being different vs being inequal. But you seem to imply that by taking more initiative or leadership roles, the man becomes superior to the woman bc if he becomes coequal to her then somehow he will lose his manhood and she will take the lead- but this is all wro g and ignorant…a man can still take the initiative and leadership and protective roles whilst still being an equal with women- bc women excel in their qualities- nurturing, loving to family and children, knowing what family actually means and trying to hold family bonds together humane, being humane and human, being refined (vs men who are more raw and crude), civilized with superior social intelligence, patience etc.,- qualities that the majority of men have a laughable chance of excelling in… I mean let’s face it- who does all (ok, most) of the crime?- it’s men…and so what?, we’re in the 21st century dude…if a lady does want to take a lead on something or comes up with an original plan or idea about something, then what’s wrong with that???